Did you know that fishing is big business in New Jersey? Here's why. Asbury Park Press
The ocean's water clarity was so clear this week captains said they were able to see hooked fish 40 to 50 feet down as they were being reeled up.
Yellowfin tuna fishing was the big draw, luring fishermen 50 to 70 miles offshore where the fish are congregating.
Quite a few fishermen ended up at the Triple Wrecks where the yellowfin at times, were worked up into a feeding frenzy. Most of the boats set up on the chunk and jigged the tuna, which have ranged in sizes up to about 90 pounds.
Fishermen had the benefit of a flat ocean but that's probably not going to be the case this weekend as NOAA's forecast is calling for northeast winds Saturday night that could hit 30 knots.
Meanwhile, the bluefin tuna have come awfully close to the beach.
Capt. Willie Egerter of the Dauntless, who has been porgy fishing in Sea Bright and on the Sandy Hook Reef, observed the bluefin within casting distance of Deal beaches. Egerter said they were "40 to 60 pounders."
The porgy fishing has been a little touch and go. Egerter said some days he can get over them and anglers reel in as many as 25. Other days, they disappear quickly and he has to spend a little effort riding around looking for them.
That's not the issue with the sea bass, which he said are well populated on the inshore structures. The ling fishing is a little slow in the Mud Hole or up on the Klondike.
Fishermen have also seen the bluefin crashing the surface on the Shrewsbury Rocks, but they have eluded capture for the most part.
An angler on the Big Jamaica party boat did land one Monday that was about 25 pounds while the boat was eight miles off the beach, Capt. Howard Bogan said. Bogan was targeting bonito and false albacore.
There's a nice mix of small pelagics in that range, including a few varieties of mackerel. Capt. Dave Riback on the Queen Mary party boat reported one of his fares landed a king mackerel.
Fishing report: Fishermen return with yellowfin tuna, false albacore and bonito
Ocean-going fluke fishermen had some wind against the tide conditions, which affected their ability to drift. On the days they could get a good float, anglers scooped up some big fluke.
Capt. Matt Sosnowski on the Norma K III reported a catch of a 9-pound fluke to go with several limits on trips early in the week.
A 10-pound doormat was landed on the Big Mohawk, according to Capt. Chris Hueth.
The surf has been a little quiet. Small blues and fluke are being caught most everywhere, in some areas, especially southern Long Beach Island, anglers are seeing more kingfish.
There was a lot of rainfish in the Manasquan surf on Monday, and anglers can expect more bait that's been building in the bays and rivers to begin to show in the upcoming weeks.
When Jersey Shore native Dan Radel is not reporting the news, you can find him in a college classroom where he is a history professor. Reach him @danielradelapp; 732-643-4072; dradel@gannettnj.com.
The Link LonkAugust 28, 2020 at 04:01PM
Tuna is the big draw, porgies play hide and seek in the shallow - Asbury Park Press
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