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Monday, July 27, 2020

Week's Top Headlines: CPF develops versatile US shrimp farm, Bristol Bay salmon prices shock, bouyant demand bolsters global fishmeal prices - IntraFish

First up this week Charoen Pokphand Foods PCL (CPF) is developing what it calls the “Aquaculture 5.0” shrimp farm in the United States, enabling shrimp to be cultured "anywhere, anytime of year, with complete biosecurity and zero discharged wastes" according to the company.

In these anxious times fishermen are seeing a major drop in Bristol Bay salmon prices this season adding to the weight of their problems as for the first time in five years ex-vessel prices have dropped below the previous year's.

Citing 'enormous' damage to their reputation, Ecuador's shrimp producers are blaming a perfect storm of factors including the discovery of COVID-19 on outer packaging housing their products for a massive slump in exports to China in July.

Meantime Rabobank analysts says that recent links to shrimp and salmon products and COVID-19 smack of political maneuvering, questioning the motivation behind recent bans into China.

In an UPDATE: Cooke and Ocean Beauty have now shut down an Alaska salmon plant after almost half its workers test positive for COVID-19.

After years of lengthy permit reviews and complex court battles, Nordic Aquafarms is closer to bringing its massive land-based salmon farm in Maine online as gets ready to receive final permits.

After staging a remarkable comeback from the onset of the global pandemic, the UK's fish and chip shops say they are 'battle ready' for a second coronavirus spike.

US salmon market sources say COVID-19 has likely put the market on a rollercoaster for the rest of the year as holiday season buffets demand.

In an 'unprecedented' move four Russian fishing giants have agreed to restrict bottom trawling in the Barents Sea in a move aimed at preserving vulnerable ecosystems.

As cell-based seafood rapidly approaches commercialization and marketeers wonder exactly what to call it, BluNalu funded a comprehensive study to answer exactly that question.

Finally this week buoyant fishmeal demand is bolstering prices as Peru fulfills its anchovy quota, after a late start to the season led to a race against the clock.

The Link Lonk

July 27, 2020 at 12:11PM

Week's Top Headlines: CPF develops versatile US shrimp farm, Bristol Bay salmon prices shock, bouyant demand bolsters global fishmeal prices - IntraFish

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