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Monday, July 13, 2020

Ship Conducting Undersea Surveys Ordered to Pause Work Following Conflict With Local Crab Fishermen - Lost Coast Outpost

Local fishermen prepare crab pots along the Eureka waterfront. | File photo.


After successfully requesting a cease-and-desist order from the California State Lands Commission, local crab fishermen will be able to finish out the last few days of the season without worrying about conflicts with a ship that was conducting surveys off the North Coast.

The survey work appears to be connected with proposals for high-speed, transpacific fiber-optic cables linking Southeast Asia to the United States. Cable companies have expressed interest in landing a trunk line stateside via the Harbor District’s wastewater discharge pipe, which runs from the Redwood Marine Terminal II (site of the old pulp mill) out to sea.

Ken Bates, vice-president of the Humboldt Fishermen’s Marketing Association (HFMA), told the Outpost this morning that local crab fishermen noticed a survey ship traversing their fishing grounds in recent days and grew concerned that it might interfere with their gear. The ship, operated by Sea Risk Solutions, was commissioned by survey firm EGS Americas Inc. to install sub-surface acoustic equipment, according to Bates.

“That subcontractor, they knew that the Dungeness crab season was finishing up, but [crab fishermen] are still fishing,” he said.

Elsewhere in California, cable companies have good relationships with local fishing communities, often hiring fishermen to pick up gear in the path of their operations or even come aboard their ships as observers, Bates said. That didn’t happen here. “Basically, there was no outreach,” he said. “They just kind of showed up.”

Thanks to the Whale Protection & Crab Gear Retrieval Act, authored by state Senator Mike McGuire and signed into law in 2016, crab fishermen can face serious consequences, such as fines and license suspensions, for lost or abandoned crab gear. 

“The problem with a cable ship, they can hook onto that stuff and not even know it, then drag [the gear] for miles,” Bates said.

The HFMA has a gear retrieval program and aims to leave no gear behind after each season. This year’s season will wrap up on Wednesday, July 15, and Bates said the fishermen just wanted the work to stop until after that date. A few of them managed to contact EGS but were unable to convince the company to halt its operations, Bates said. 

So the HFMA requested an immediate “cease and desist” order from the California State Lands Commission, and according to a statement issued earlier today, the agency came through, ordering a halt to the survey work until after July 15. 

A message left for EGS Americas Inc. was not returned by the time this post was published. Bates said McGuire was instrumental in getting the survey company’s attention. 

“Our goal is to get the gear out of the water,” Bates said. “It’s not about stopping the cable company.”

For now, the details of any local undersea fiber-optic project(s) remain a mystery. Back in May, the board of the Humboldt Bay Harbor, Recreation and Conservation District met in closed session to discuss a “potential lease of real property on the Samoa Peninsula” with two industry companies. However, no lease was signed, and no action was reported out of the meeting.

Larry Oetker, the district’s executive director, confirmed today that there’s no news to announce publicly just yet, and he declined to say who’s behind the current survey work.

Below is a statement from the Humboldt Fishermen’s Marketing Association’s board of directors:

During the period between June 29 and July 8, a cable survey ship, the 310-foot Bold Explorer, was observed by Humboldt County fishermen towing acoustical survey cables through fishermen’s legally set Dungeness crab gear. 

Fishermen contacted EGS Americas, Inc. and reported the damage and asked that the survey work be discontinued until July 15th, which is the end of crab season. EGS Americas, Inc. and their subcontractor Sea Risk Solutions decided to “forge ahead,” essentially ignoring crab fishermen’s request. 

Humboldt Fishermen’s Marketing Association (HFMA) on behalf of all fishermen requested an immediate “Cease and Desist” order from the California State Lands Commission. HFMA and local fishermen received vital assistance from Senator Mike McGuire, Tom Weseloh, California State Lands Commission staff, California Coastal Commission, California Fish and Wildlife staff and Mr. William Walter, legal counsel for the Morro Bay and Avila Bay Fishermen’s Associations. 

The State Lands Commission determined that  EGS Americas, Inc., was operating in violation of State Land’s permit #9215 and terminated the survey work taking place on Humboldt County crab grounds until after July 15, 2020.

The Humboldt Fishermen’s Marketing Association Board of Directors wishes to extend our deep thanks and appreciation for the continued support of California’s fishing communities by the above listed representatives, state agency staff and private legal counsel.

Again, our sincere thanks for everyone’s help and concern.

For the Humboldt Fishermen’s Marketing Association Board of Directors,

Ken Bates,

The Link Lonk

July 14, 2020 at 05:34AM

Ship Conducting Undersea Surveys Ordered to Pause Work Following Conflict With Local Crab Fishermen - Lost Coast Outpost

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