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Monday, July 13, 2020

Ocean City Tuna Tournament winners announced - Delmarva Now

The National Aquarium released a group of 10 sea turtles at Assateague State Park on June 25, 2020. Salisbury Daily Times

The 33rd annual Ocean City Tuna Tournament wrapped up on Sunday with award winners taking home hundreds of thousands of dollars.

The tournament is a three-day event divided into multiple categories, including single largest tuna, heaviest stringer and dolphin.

The full list of winners is as follows:

READ MORE: White Marlin Open adds new location for spectators during COVID-19 restrictions

Single Largest Tuna:

  1. Big Stick | $135,527
  2. Point Runner | $30,677 (Includes first place dolphin)
  3. Theresa Jean | $9,475

Heaviest Stringer:

  1. Espadon | $100,001
  2. Three’s Enough | $14,077
  3. Sea Wolf | $9,385

Added Level D (Boats 35’ & Under):

  • Single Largest Tuna: Reel Moore | $900
  • Heaviest Stringer: Fish Whistle | $900

On the Board Reward:

  • Marli | $10,597
  • Sushi | $10,012


  1. Point Runner | $30,677 (Includes second place single largest tuna)
  2. Reel Teaser | $1,000

Top Lady Anglers:

  1. Myra HT (J.L. Cropper) | $1,500
  2. El Bendidos (Julie Dimanni) | $1,000
  3. Myra HT (Rachel Pennington) | $500

Top Junior Angler:

  • Reel Current (Shaun Gagnon) | $1,000
The Link Lonk

July 14, 2020 at 12:40AM

Ocean City Tuna Tournament winners announced - Delmarva Now

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