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Monday, July 13, 2020

COVID-19 recap, July 10: JD, Tmall pull Santa Priscilla shrimp after China finds coronavirus in shipping container - Undercurrent News

The novel coronavirus COVID-19 continues to upend the global seafood trade, reducing foodservice demand and complicating supply chains. If you have any stories on how your company is dealing with the crisis, message us here. Here's a recap of pandemic-related seafood news from  Friday, July 10:

Ecuadorean shrimp firms Industrial Pesquera Santa Priscila , Empacadora Del Pacifico Sociedad Anonima Edpacif and Empacreci had their export licenses for China suspended by the latter's authorities on Friday afternoon, sending shockwaves through the market. 

Authorities said coronavirus was detected in five samples taken from the outer packaging of shrimp from the latter two companies; in Santa Priscila's case, a positive sample was taken from the inside of the shipping container transporting the company's shrimp.

Undercurrent News then revealed Chinese e-commerce giants and Alibaba Group have pulled Santa Priscila shrimp from sale. 

In the US, the coronavirus is slowing the re-opening of the country's foodservice sector in several states. This -- coupled with the increase in the supply of wild sockeye salmon from Alaska with the Bristol Bay fishery -- means prices for Chilean salmon in the US could soften, sources said. 

The average [FOB Miami, after handling at coldstore] prices for fresh “trim D” fillets are still in the $4.40-4.60 per pound range, depending on the size, but it seems unlikely this will be maintained, sources told Undercurrent

Prices for trim D had surged in the past few weeks ahead of the July 4 Independence Day weekend, with the slow start in Alaska and the re-opening of restaurants contributing factors.

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The Link Lonk

July 13, 2020 at 03:00PM

COVID-19 recap, July 10: JD, Tmall pull Santa Priscilla shrimp after China finds coronavirus in shipping container - Undercurrent News

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