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Monday, December 21, 2020

Crab Cake & Sprout Slaw Recipe - Vanity Fair

Rootle’s Crab Cakes & Brussels Sprout Slaw

For the crab cakes:

450g sustainably caught crab

450g potato, cut into 2cm cubes

4tsp capers (whole if small, or chopped)

½ a shallot, finely diced

Zest and juice of 1 lemon

A healthy handful of dill and parsley (I also used some fennel fronds)

4 tbsp plain flour

A bowlful of breadcrumbs

2 eggs, beaten

For the slaw

400g brussels sprouts

2 carrots

2 apples (sharp and crisp)

The other ½ of your shallot

3 tbsp mayonnaise

2 tsp Dijon mustard

1 tbsp cider vinegar

2 tsp caraway seeds

For the herb drizzle

4 tbsp olive oil

2 tbsp cider vinegar

A pinch of sugar

Another good handful of parsley and dill

10-15 cornichons, finely sliced


Boil the potatoes until cooked, drain and leave to steam for five minutes. Mash, or pass through a ricer.

Pick through your crab meat to check for any stray shell then mix it in a bowl with the shallot, capers, chopped herbs and lemon zest and juice. Once the potato has cooled slightly stir this in and season well. Shape into nice chubby little discs and chill in the fridge for 2–3 hours to firm up.

Finely shred the brussels sprouts (this can be done with a knife, food processor or mandolin, if you’re feeling brave) and cut or grate the carrot and apple into small matchsticks. Very finely slice the shallot and mix everything in a bowl with the mayonnaise, mustard, vinegar, caraway seeds and plenty of salt and pepper.

For the herb drizzle, blitz all the ingredients other than the cornichons in a blender with a pinch of salt, then add the sliced cornichons.

When you’re ready to cook the crab cakes, heat enough oil in a pan to submerge your cakes. If you have a cooking thermometer, you’re looking for a cooking temperature of around 180ºC. Alternatively, a small chunk of potato should sizzle and float to the surface when the oil is hot enough.

Roll your crab cakes in seasoned flour, then in the beaten eggs, then in the breadcrumbs. Tap off any excess crumbs and carefully lower the crab cakes into the hot oil with a slotted spoon. Cook in batches until they’re golden, being very careful and not overcrowding the pan.

If feeding a crowd, the crab cakes can be put on a baking tray to cool and then reheated in a 200ºC oven for 5–10 minutes before serving.


The Link Lonk

December 21, 2020 at 10:34PM

Crab Cake & Sprout Slaw Recipe - Vanity Fair

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