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Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Stray hermit crab found in Kenhorst safely back home - Reading Eagle

An on-the-lam hermit crab discovered last week scuttling through a yard in Kenhorst has been returned home.

Leann Quire, director of shelter operations for Humane Pennsylvania Partners for a Humane Pennsylvania, said the crab, named Louie by shelter staff, was claimed by his owners after someone saw a story about Louie in the Reading Eagle and contacted them.

Quire said that Louie got lost after a child was spending time with him outside on a nice day and did not secure the lid to his cage. A great climber, like all hermit crabs, Louie was able to clamber out of the cage and abscond.

Louie was discovered by a couple on Sept. 28 in the grass outside their home along Park Avenue.

Officials from the Humane League of Lancaster County, who did not identify the couple who found the animal, said the couple contacted the Humane Society of Berks County and were referred to the Lancaster branch because the Berks shelter is closed for renovations.

The couple bought some supplies at a local pet store to keep the hermit crab overnight and dropped it off Tuesday.

Quire said Louie was only the second stray hermit crab she's come across during her more than a decade working in the animal welfare field.

Prior to being claimed by his owners, Louie was set to go up for adoption on Thursday. Quire said social media posts about him had generated a lot of interest.

For more information about the Humane League of Lancaster County call 717-393-6551 or email

The Link Lonk

October 07, 2020 at 04:00AM

Stray hermit crab found in Kenhorst safely back home - Reading Eagle

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