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Monday, October 19, 2020

Hendrix's Kona Bay to start shrimp broodstock production in Indonesia - Undercurrent News

The Netherlands-based Hendrix Genetics is starting up shrimp broodstock production in Indonesia, via its Kona Bay subsidiary.

Hendrix -- which took 100% control of Kona Bay earlier this year with George Chamberlain stepping down -- will start offering Indonesian farmers domestically reared, specific pathogen-free (SPF) broodstock from early 2021.

Initial operations will be based at an SPF facility in West Java. Hendrix has started Kona Bay Indonesia, a subsidiary in the Asian country. Within two years, Hendrix plans to move to brand new SPF facilities in north Bali, capable of producing over 100,000 SPF vannamei broodstock per year.

Regular batches from the Kona Bay base in the US state of Hawaii will supply the Indonesian facility with post larvae to ensure year-round availability of genetically enhanced broodstock.
"We are delighted to announce this latest development in the expansion of our global shrimp breeding activities," said Neil Manchester, managing director of aquaculture at Hendrix.

"Indonesia is a key market for us, and we are committed to providing all our valued customers with the very best broodstock, custom produced for the highest performance characteristics needed to support this great industry in Indonesia."

Even before moving into production in Indonesia, the Kona Bay brand has approximately 60% market share, Hendrix said. Kona Bay also has shrimp breeding and production activities in Hawaii, Ecuador, and Malaysia. Furthermore, the Hendrix aquaculture business unit runs a trout breeding operation in the US and salmon breeding operations in Chile and Scotland.

In addition to shrimp and salmon under its aquaculture division, Hendrix has breeding activities in turkeys, traditional poultry and swine.

The Link Lonk

October 20, 2020 at 01:11AM

Hendrix's Kona Bay to start shrimp broodstock production in Indonesia - Undercurrent News

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