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Thursday, July 9, 2020

You Can Now Order The VTree's Vegan Shrimp and Drumsticks Straight to Your Door - VegOut Media LLC

Hollywood’s The VTree is now offering Chef Velvet’s vegan shrimp and fried chicken for nationwide delivery! From the moment this plant-based soul food hot spot opened in Hollywood, people from all over the world were asking how they could purchase Chef Velvet’s groundbreakingly delicious eats. You asked, The Vtree answered—or should we say “delivered!”

RELATED: Nick Cannon Opens New Vegan Restaurant Inside Hollywood's Yamashiro

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Their Vegan Drumsticks and Shrimp are gluten-free, soy-free, low-carb, and contain no MSG or trans fat. How awesome is that?! They’ll come to you frozen so you can cook them up whenever you are ready to experience flavor like no other.

The VTree

The VTree’s frozen items are now available for pre-order throughout the US (except Hawaii and Alaska.) Orders will ship on September 1st. Visit to place your order!

The Link Lonk

July 09, 2020 at 02:56AM

You Can Now Order The VTree's Vegan Shrimp and Drumsticks Straight to Your Door - VegOut Media LLC

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