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Thursday, July 9, 2020

Best Eats This Week: Garlic shrimp noodles and tasty top sirloin - KGET 17

BAKERSFIELD, Calif. (KGET) — We made it through the Fourth of July without sustaining fireworks damage to our homes or ourselves. Maybe with the holiday over we can enjoy our meals in relative peace.

This week, a staffer visited a spot known for its inventive Hawaiian plate lunches and steaming bowls of ramen. Another cooked up a meal featuring sirloin, starch and beans.

Garlic shrimp noodles, ReMix Asian Kitchen & Ramen, 9450 Stockdale Highway, Ste. 109

Settled amid a cluster of medical clinics on Stockdale Highway east of Old River Road, ReMix Asian Kitchen & Ramen is a beacon of delicious dining, serving an expansive and creative menu of hearty Hawaiian dishes that come with the requisite scoops of rice and potato salad, Korean tacos and tender bulgogi sandwiches and plates heaped with Japanese curry rice. There are also Peruvian- and British-inflected entrees, and probably a few other cultural mashups I’m forgetting.

All of which is to say, your first time at ReMix may be a bit overwhelming. Feel free to ask the owner for recommendations, but you really can’t go wrong. I’ve never had anything less than a delicious meal here.

Neither has Web Writer Jose Franco, who recently picked up a plate of garlic shrimp noodles.

“It’s so good,” said Franco. “I need to come here more often.”

Top sirloin with rice and beans, Mason Rockfellow

Top sirloin, rice and beans, Mason Rockfellow

KGET’s resident chef, or at least the staffer who shows off his cooking the most, is Assignments Editor Mason Rockfellow. At this point he could be considered a co-author of Best Eats.

He whips up simple, satisfying meals, and this week he submitted a photo of top sirloin seasoned with Montreal Steak Seasoning and accompanied by white rice and pinto beans. Another winner.

The Link Lonk

July 10, 2020 at 03:50AM

Best Eats This Week: Garlic shrimp noodles and tasty top sirloin - KGET 17

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