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Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Beat the heat with a little shrimp on the hook - Daniel Island News

Recently, I received a picture of Kyle Thaxton with an outstanding redfish that he caught in the Wando River.  

Kyle is 12 years old and a rising seventh grader at Daniel Island School. The approximately 5-year-old redfish was 28 inches long and weighed about nine pounds. Great catch, Kyle. Thanks for sharing.

The weather is hot. Thankfully, the fishing is too! Especially, if you fish with live bait.  

Great catches of redfish, like Kyle’s, are regular occurrences for anglers using live mullet and menhaden for bait. I recommend using a Carolina rig with a 3/0 circle hook. Hook the mullet or menhaden onto the circle hook and cast the rig into likely spots. Jetty rocks, bridge and dock pilings are all good places to try.  

This is relaxed and easy fishing as the redfish will hook themselves with the circle hook. Relaxed and easy are important when the heat index is above 100-degrees. 

In the heat of summer, shrimp become more prevalent in our creeks. If you are proficient throwing a cast net, catching several dozen shrimp for live bait should be no problem at lower stages of the tide. A live shrimp suspended two feet below a rattle float is a sure-fire ticket to hot summer action.  

Everything with fins and teeth will eat a shrimp. Trout, flounder and black drum are suckers for this technique. Focus your efforts around shallow water current seams early in the morning or late in the afternoon. In low light conditions, predators congregate in these areas looking for an easy meal.

Yes, it is hot outside. Take your inspiration from Kyle and go fishing anyway!

The Link Lonk

July 15, 2020 at 08:10PM

Beat the heat with a little shrimp on the hook - Daniel Island News

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